There are no unimportant elections, get informed about when elections are and who is running.
Next Election Details HereJOIN US
We meet the 3rd Wednesday at the Crawford County Democratic Office – 117 West Blackhawk, Prairie du Chien, WI at 6:30 pm – Join us!
Join the State Democratic Party here:
Your annual $25 donation there, helps us right here. Thanks!
What do we stand for?
We want to promote the interests of the Democratic Party
by providing knowledge of its history and principles to members
and to the community. We also give candidates
and elected officials loyal and active support.
We promote peace, liberty, justice, human rights, and the common good.
Democrats believe that the strength of our country is determined
by how well we treat all of our citizens.

Where you can get involved
– out and about around Crawford County –
Meetings aren’t your thing, but you still want to help?
You can help us promote democratic values and help leaders concerned about the people of Crawford County get elected.
Donations are needed and will be put to work locally:
Working with professional organizers can drive up the democratic vote by making calls to wisconsin voters. Get the training and suport you need by signing up here: www.mobilize.us or www.wisdems.org
you can get involved here
Key Dates Coming Up
Saturday thru Monday, August 10-12 – Expanded Office Hours
The Get Out the Vote event in the city of Prairie du Chien will feature expanded office hours of 9-6:00 p.m. on those days.
Monday, August 26, 3-5pm. Badgercare Discussion
Dr. Scott Walker, Democratic candidate for the Assembly, will host a discussion on Badgercare expansion, the need to reduce the cost of prescription drugs, reproductive rights and other health care issues from his perspective as a medical doctor at the Crawford County Democratic Party Office, 117 West Blackhawk, Prairie du Chien.
August 22- 25 – County Fair Information Booth
The Crawford County Democrats will be at the Crawford County Fairgrounds in Gays Mills. Stop by the booth for information about the upcoming elections.
Contact us at 608-380-1332 if you have any questions.
Our Local Leadership Team
Join us to make a difference in your communty

Dale Klemme
Crawford County Chair

Craig Anderson
First Vice Chair

Joe Atkins
Second Vice Chair

Mary Gasser

Nancy Becker

Jon Sutton
Letter Writing Committee

Ron Leys
Parade Chair

Are YOU the next leader?
Contact us
117 W. Blackhawk Ave, Prairie du Chien, WI 53821
608 380-1332
Contact form will be displayed here. To activate it you have to set the "contact form shortcode" parameter in Customizer.